Turkey: Weekly Turkeys Slaughtered in Federally Inspected Plants (Thu)
Des Moines, IA Thu. Mar 13, 2025 USDA Market News
TURKEY: Weekly Turkeys Slaughtered in Federally Inspected Plants (Thur)
Week ending 8-Mar-2025
(Preliminary) (Released 12:00 Central Time)
---------Young turkeys---------- Old Total turkeys
Thousand Pct chg Avg Breeders Avg
Head Prev wk Live wt --Thousand head-- Live wt
North East 515 8 27.04 (A) 515 27.04
South Atlantic 503 -4 43.64 (A) 503 43.64
North Central 1,574 -2 35.11 (A) 1,603 35.11
South Central 617 -5 20.57 (A) 627 20.57
West 121 7 20.96 (A) 121 20.96
U.S. total 3,330(B) -1 31.94 39 3,369 31.94
2025* 31,295(B) 314 31,609
2024* 35,615(B) 306 35,921
(A) Not published to avoid disclosing individual operations.
(B) Number of young banded breeder turks included: this week 21,000;
for the current year to date* 242,000; for last year to date* 140,000.
*Note: Year to-date totals reflect comparable time periods.
SOURCE: USDA Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News
Des Moines, IA 515.284.4460 email: desm.lpgmn@ams.usda.gov
Prepared: 13-Mar-25 11:45 AM C BRM